Our commitment to sustainable palm oil started in 2010, when we joined the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), becoming certified a year later in 2011. We recognise that palm oil is the world’s leading vegetable oil in terms of production volume and consumption.
Millions of people rely on palm oil to support their livelihoods. As the world population approaches 9 billion by 2050, demand for edible oil will continue to grow. Palm oil, the highest yielding edible oil crop, uses less land per ton of oil produced than any other vegetable oil. Sustainably grown palm oil mitigates the risk of land clearance, displacement of local people, whilst also protecting biodiverse environments.

Our position in the supply chain means we can select suppliers who are committed to sustainable palm oil production and sourcing, who also endorse the RSPO as the primary global sustainability standard.
Through the RSPO Principles and Criteria and Supply Chain Certification Standard, Silbury can be assured of delivering sustainable palm oil, protecting the environment for future generations.
We continue to put sustainability at the heart of our business and committing to the Ambassador programme in partnership with Chester zoo will help us share our advocacy for sustainable palm oil.
By engaging our customers on the importance of making the right choice when it comes to the palm oil, we can share our values and knowledge.